'With the new day comes new strengths and new thoughts'
“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.”
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.”
The Focus on Life subject for this week got me thinking about beginnings, which always have endless possible outcomes. Nearly every day I am faced with a table full of glass, a torch and a bunch of tools that I will use for that day's creative endeavor. Sometimes I have a good idea of where I think I'm going- and other times I just have to 'go with the flow'. It is not uncommon to be working on one idea when another (better?) idea comes to mind and I just want to toss that bead and start on the new thing. I resist, but try to hold onto the thought until I can write it down or begin to act on it.
My photo this week was meant to be a sunrise- a new day, a new beginning, a way I would like to look at each day I am gifted with! As it turns out, I had to use a sunset- I couldn't manage good sunrise photo. But a sunset is not only an end, but also another beginning! One other lovely thing I found on my ramblings that makes me think of possibilities and beginnings- a seed pod.
Come see what other possibilities are being explored at Sally's Blog!
Could have fooled me! When I posted a sunrise, many thought it was a sunset. The seed pod is wonderful in its detail.
I love those photos. Sunsets don't just close the day, they begin the night -- so many possibilities. :)
Well, I see a sunrise and a new beginning if there ever was one!! Such a beautiful composition for this challenge - well done!! And such gorgeous photos to boot!! Beautiful all around!
Love both sunsets and sunrises - your is beautiful! And a sunset is a beginning to, for it is a sunrise somewhere else :)
The seed pod is absolutely gorgeous.
Oh, i love waking up early for the sunrise. I love your photos! - Michelle #8 this week
I'm a night owl by nature so I saw that as a sunset right off but love it for it starts the night! to me, mostly these days that means a quieter time - I like when the rest of the house is asleep!
Sunrises are my favorite time of day because of the possibilities but it seems like sunsets are more beautiful. Your ramblings are a wonderful insight into your world of glass.
gorgeous pics! and in every end, thee is a beginning... i love ER, she was such an inspirational woman - thanks for the quotes :)
Oh yes - I, too, love a beautiful sunrise OR sunset! I cannot seem to capture either on my camera - yours is beautiful! And, great detail on your seed pod!
Hi Lorie,
I love the quotes and they apply to my everyday life. The picture of the sunset is gorgeous and so full of possibilities for the night and into the morning's sunrise. Oh how wonderful those little seed fairies will be to see floating on to land and grow in a new place.
Hi Laurie, Great quotes! Eleanor Roosevelt was a smart woman. Your photos are beautiful too. I love how you reworked your thoughts from the sunrise photo into an ever appropriate sunset photo instead.
Love that seed pod! Looks like a feather bed for a fairy. Good thing to think about with sunrises or sunsets - new day to start again.
A sunset means ending one day and thinking about the possibilities of the next day. Beautiful photos!!
Y'all are so sweet with your comments! The seed pod just happened- I'm pretty surprised there was still something in it at this time of year...
There's nothing more beautiful than a colorful sunset. What a beautiful post, and a different perspective on endless possibilities.
Amazing Sunset
Sunrises & Sunsets, in fact any colour in the sky, is overloaded with potential to me...& seed pods are simply exploding with possibilities!! Great captures & a beautiful interpretation of the prompt!
Wonderful pictures! I am a huge fan of sunsets, which are often just amazing here~I have a whole file folder of sunset skies. And that pod is amazing! Do you know what it is? It looks a little like cotton.
Lori, I was thinking it was milkweed, definitely not cotton, but I'm not really sure. It seems to be hanging, which is not really milkweed-like.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a very strong, insightful woman, as is your post for this weeks prompt! Love the sunset/sunrise, I would never have known had you not told me! Beautiful shot!
Laurie, Thanx for the quotes. Your post was great. I agree, I see a lot more sunsets than sunrises. They are both filled with endless possibilities.
Wonderful take on the phrase for the week and beautiful photos.
I agree! a sunset can be a new beginning! the end of one day, the start of a new one tomorrow!
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